I love you. No matter who you are, I love you. Love you as much as anyone else you know does. I don't need to know you. I love your existence. I love that you're real, a physical thing that I know I can touch if I see you. You may not think you're beautiful. You may not think that you're anything special. You may not think you're up to the challenge of anything because you'll mess up, be unable to finish, unable to do anything... But I love you, you can do anything, anything at all, anything you put your mind to, anything you can see yourself doing, anything that you love with every fiber of your being. You can do it because I love you. It might seem like the world hates you or doesn't love you but just shut up and hear me, read my words and listen to my voice that you make up in your head... it gets better because you are loved... if you're not loved by them, then you are loved by me, and that is all you need. You make your life. Good luck 🖤 You`re never as alone as you may think you are.

Теги: love hope encouragement

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